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Interested in learning more about our Innovative Building Materials and earning CEU credits?
Schedule your next CEU through Intectural.


Understanding Thermally Modified Wood

Advancements in technology allow domestically and responsibly sourced wood to be used on exterior applications which are typically unforgiving to a natural product. This course will describe the basic components of a wood cell wall and define how modification affects these components. The natural processes used to modify wood for improved durability will be discussed, with an emphasis on thermal modification. Suitable applications for modified wood will be explored along with an understanding of how these products can reduce embodied carbon and contribute to LEED objectives.

Architectural Bamboo: Beautiful & Sustainable

Bamboo is a versatile, strong material with a warm aesthetic that suits an array of interior design styles. This course looks at how bamboo is sustainably sourced to produce low-VOC products such as flooring, cladding, and three-ply architectural wall and ceiling panels. Project examples highlight a CNC routing method that produces panels with eye-catching patterns of varying depths and levels of intricacy. The course also examines how bamboo products may apply to several credits and features in the LEED® v4.1 Building Design and Construction and Interior Design and Construction rating systems and the WELL Building Standard™ version 2.


Understanding Manufacturing, Applications, and Benefits of Paper Composite Surfaces

Richlite hosts the first & only paper composite CEU. This course will walk you through the manufacturing process of paper composite surfaces and identity differences in different types of manufacturing systems. Additionally, the course will outline the benefits of using paper composite surfaces and explain suitable applications, it will display an understanding of how paper composite panels can contribute to LEED objectives, and will display the CSI standard specifications that ensure the quality & sustainability of these panels in their projects.