Thermally Modified Fire-Retardant Pine for Exterior Decking & Siding Application
Real Wood. Made Safer.
Arbor Wood is now available with SaferWood Thermex-FR by Chemco, Inc. Since 1981, this industry-leading exterior fire retardant treatment renders wood “ignition resistant” having passed extended surface burning tests and weathering as required by ASTM and model building codes including:
International Building Code [IBC]
International Residential Code [IRC]
International Wildland Urban Interface Code [IWUIC]
Arbor Wood with SaferWood Thermex-FR is compliant with Chapter 7A WUI of the California Building Code [CBC] and California Residential Code [CRC], and is CALFIRE SFM Listed.
Arbor Wood is proud to partner with SaferWood to offer world-class thermally modified FRTW siding and decking. SaferWood products are highly sought-after and specified by leading architects, designers, and developers and accepted by code and fire officials because of their best-in-class appearance, proven performance, longevity, and reputation for consistent high quality.
Permenant protection & proven performance
SaferWood Thermex-FR meets International Building Code [IBC], Section 2303.2 for Fire Retardant Treated Wood which provides for one-time permanent protection to all surfaces. Additionally, Arbor Wood Co., products treated with SaferWood Thermex-FR are approved for exterior use in residential and commercial applications where FRTW is specified as a code-compliant alternative to noncombustible materials and recognized in all WUI zone or where IWUIC has been adopted.
Natrl Pine Siding + SaferWood Thermex-FR
Natrl Pine Decking + SaferWood Thermex-FR
Testing & Technical Credentials
Ignition Resistant (IR) per 2018 IWUIC Section 503.2, Item 3, FRTW
Fire Retardant (FR) pressure treatment per 2018 IBC 2303.2.1
Class A Fire-Test Response per ASTM E84/UL 723 Extended 30 Minutes
ASTM E2768, Test Method for Extended Duration Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
ASTM D2898 Accelerated Weathering: “800 inch rain test” before ASTM E2768.
CAN/ULC S102: Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies
U.S. Navy QPL under performance specification MIL-L-19140E Lumber & Plywood, Fire Retardant Treated.
SaferWood with Thermex-FR by Chemco, Inc. is only FRTW in the world to pass California’s 10-year Natural Outdoor Weathering test.
One-time factory treatment that produces all-surface, permanent protection as required per IBC 2303.2.1 and is KDAT—Kiln Dried After Treatment—as required per IBC 2303.8
Non-toxic per WA State Dept. Of Ecology Biological Testing Method 80-12 per WAC 173-303; Standard Fish Toxicity Test with excellent results.
Guaranteed mar-free (no sticker marks) on the appearance side of siding and decking.
Evaluated by Independent Third-party Quality Testing Agencies.
Backed by an industry-best, Limited lifetime warranty.